Chicago Historical Society
This link is to the website of the Chicago Historical Society.
Illinois Association of School Boards
This link is to the website of the Illinois Association of School Boards.
Illinois Community Foundations
This Community Foundation website provides a list of community foundations in Illinois.
Illinois Department of Children and Familiy Services
This link is to the website of the Department of Children and Family services.
Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services
This link is to the website of the Department of Healthcare and Family Services.
Illinois Department of Human Services
This link is to the website of the Department of Human Services.
Illinois Department of Public Health
This link is the health department's website.
This website offers Illinois E-rate information.
This Fundsnet Services website lists foundations either based in or supporting organizations in Illinois.
Illinois Learning Standards
This website details Illinois' academic content standards.
Illinois Regional Offices of Education
This webpage provides information about Illinois' regional offices of education.
Illinois State Board of Education
This link is to the education department's website.
Illinois State Historical Society
This link is to website of the Illinois State Historical Society.
This website provides Illinois' school report cards.
Illinois' I-STEM Education Initiative
This link is to Illinois' I-STEM Education Initiative.