Curriculum Mapping KnowledgeBase

The Curriculum Mapping KnowledgeBase is an online resource supporting education professionals with the development and use of curriculum mapping as part of their instructional strategies. The KnowledgeBase is based on four elements derived from The Curriculum Mapping Planner: Templates, Tools, and Resources for Effective Professional Development authored by Heidi Hayes Jacobs and Ann Johnson, and published by ASCD.

Element 1: Lay the Foundation

Purpose: Applying curriculum mapping within a district or school begins with an understanding of the fundamentals. These include being knowledgeable about the basic concepts, defining a vision for the initiative, and creating a leadership structure to support it. Element 1 outlines these tasks and offers resources for the teacher to gain such an understanding.

Activity 1: Understand Curriculum Mapping Concepts

Activity 2: Create a Shared Vision for Curriculum Mapping

Activity 3: Define the Leadership Structure to Support Mapping

Element 2: Launch the Process

Purpose: Wiktionary dictionary defines launch as "to set going; to give a start to (something); to put in operation." Curriculum mapping is an ongoing process. The process involves creating maps that drive instruction, reviewing and improving those maps over time, and learning how to master mapping strategies. Element 2 outlines these tasks and offers resources for district and school leaders and teachers to launch curriculum mapping.

Activity 1: Using Curriculum Maps to Drive Instruction

Activity 2: Undertake a Review Process to Improve Instruction

Activity 3: Learn How to Master Mapping Strategies

Element 3: Sustain and Integrate the Mapping Process

Purpose: Curriculum mapping is an ongoing process as teachers review and update the respective maps regularly. The process of updating their maps enables teachers to think about how they can improve and update their instructional approaches. The Element 3 tasks address incorporating assessment results into the mapping process.

Activity 1: Conduct Ongoing Strategic Monitoring

Activity 2: Unpack Assessment Data

Task 2: Work Collaboratively to Improve Instruction

Guideline: Curriculum mapping is a team process involving teachers across a grade level within a building or a district or among groupings of grade levels. Success lies in working with each other in a collaborative fashion to share practices, develop consensus on what to teach, and work to enhance their professional practice.

Professional Learning Communities at School

Professional learning communities offer teachers a way to interact and collaborate with their colleagues on instructional issues. This North Carolina Department of Public Instruction resource offers an overview of professional learning communities and explores what they are, why they are important, and how they are created.

Professional Learning Communities: What Are They And Why Are They Important?

This SEDL website provides an overview of professional learning communities.

School Leadership Team Handbook

Developed by Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, Charlotte, North Carolina, this handbook provides an overview of the roles and responsibilities of School Leadership Teams. While specific to the Charlotte-Mecklenburg schools, the content is a useful guide for all schools.

Turf Issues

Individual group members often have divergent viewpoints. Turf issues can arise between group members and groups within a school, district, or community. This document offers a basic guide for addressing turf issues when they arise.

Element 4: Advanced Mapping Tasks

Purpose: Curriculum mapping is an ongoing process as teachers review and update the respective maps regularly . The process of updating their maps enables teachers to think about how they can improve and update their instructional approaches. The Element 4 tasks address applying new instructional techniques and integrating technology with curriculum.

Activity 1: Update Maps with 21st Century Techniques