Innovative Approaches to Teaching & Learning

highlighter marking the word ideaAs noted in the Innovative Teaching and Learning Research 2011 Findings and Implications report from Microsoft’s Partners in Learning initiative, "Innovative teaching practices are more likely to flourish when particular supportive conditions are in place. These conditions include

  • Teacher collaboration that focuses on peer support and the sharing of teaching practices,
  • Professional development that involves the active and direct engagement of teachers, particularly in practicing and researching new teaching methods, and
  • A school culture that offers a common vision of innovation as well as consistent support that encourages new types of teaching."

The U.S. Department of Education (ED) states, "For all students to thrive in the classroom, in college, and in a career, our educational system must continuously develop and embrace the very best practices, policies, and ideas." The Innovative Approaches to Teaching and Learning priority seeks to identify and scale up innovative approaches to teaching and learning that significantly improve student outcomes. To support this priority, ED has created the Center on Innovations in Learning.

  • Center on Innovations in Learning
  • Find What Works
  • Education Resources Information Center
  • State Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA)
  • What Works Clearinghouse
  • Colorado – Innovation, Choice, and Engagement
Kansans Can School Redesign (C3 Projects Update 2019) June 17, 2019

The Central Comprehensive Center (C3) at the University of Oklahoma Outreach is providing support and resources to the Kansas State Department of Education’s (KSDE) statewide professional learning initiative, Kansans Can School Redesign, to help make this vision a reality.

School Improvement in Oklahoma (SC3 Projects Update June 2019) June 17, 2019

The South Central Comprehensive Center (SC3) at the University of Oklahoma Outreach is completing a series of professional learning sessions for the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) Office of School Support and Improvement (OSSI).

Formative Assessment Bi-regional Advisory Board Leadership Summit March 27, 2018

The Central and South Central Comprehensive Centers (C3/SC3) at the University of Oklahoma (OU) and the Center on Standards and Assessment Implementation (CSAI) held the Formative Assessment Bi-regional Advisory Board (FAB-RAB) Leadership Summit on March 12-13, 2018.